St Augustines Kirkby in Cleveland

How we worship

How we worship

Almost all of the services at St Augustine’s are structured round Common Worship, introduced by the Church of England in 2000.


The principal weekly service is Holy Communion each Sunday at 9.30 am, partly sung, with hymns and a sermon.  On the first Sunday in the month the focus is on family worship and the format of the service is adapted to fit a more informal style.   St Augustine’s is part of a four church Benefice and, on the fourth Sunday in each month, the Service will be held at each church in turn.   Details are on the calendar page and in the Parish Newsletter, circulated to every house in the parish and accessible from the link on the Notices page.

Holy Communion is said at 8.00 am on the first Sunday in the month (hopefully to recommence in July) and at 10.00 am on the first two Thursdays in the month.

A very informal Service of Steps, for pre-school babies and toddlers and their parents, grandparents and carers, is held on the second Monday in the month at 1.30 pm.

At certain times of the year, mainly during Lent and at Christmas, additional services take place, including, at Christmas, a Crib Service for children and a Service of Nine Lessons and Carols (with a full Choir).

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